[justify]Hello racers & drifters & cruisers & spectators, With some considerable delay from initial planned date, here is the first public version of my still work-in-progress parking. As you know the original idea was to offer the possibility to recreate the parking interview from Driver game, but meanwhile the idea evolved (way) beyond that. However, there is still work to do, so in this first release only the Level 1 of the parking is available + the ramp towards Level 2, to get a taste of it Also worth mentioning that initial plan was to release only the finished version; but 'because life' : ), and because I would like to have some feedback on gameplay and bugs, decided to publish this. Work will continue, plenty of things to implement. Both graphic wise and gameplay wise. A short list of things to come (but not limited to): - add piping works (rain, fire) - add electrical works (cables, cabinets, ..) - define pedestrian alleys and access - signs, commercials and info placements - give access to level 2 - give access to level 0 - create a course using 1, 2 or all 3 levels <== here is where you can make suggestions . - define and implement optimum number of pits, start positions - texture rework - and much more. INSTALL NOTES: - unpack the archive (and copy) under \assettocorsa\content\tracks Pro-tip: There are a number of 8 pits scattered around the level 1, so if you'd wish to populate the parking a little bit, select Race Weekend, add opponents and hit Drive. (as there is no AI line, they will remain in pit positions). This mode does not seem to work anymore in AC. - if you'd like to make the pit crew disappear, set the world detail to "very high" instead of "maximum". You won't loose any other eye candy on this level. Missing features: - AI not working for now, as there is no defined course yet. - No check-list for maneuvers (don't know if it will ever be possible) - No stopwatch Known issue(s): Too many to list. DISCLAIMER: Please DO NOT upload this somewhere else without my consent. I'd like to be able to have some measurements about the general interest and judge if/how the project should be extended. Feel free to share the link though .[/justify] Go to DOWNLOAD
***********original post #1************************************ Hi void , I've managed to make some progress on my little project after experimenting different stuff to get the hang of the tools. The story is simple: I loved the "hiring interview" in the original Driver game, and I've always wondered how that would be with proper physics. Well, AC has it all: physics, looks, cars, modding support.. so here I am . I'm trying to replicate the parking, but with a voluntary wish of not making it that much getto (some textures are placeholders). Also note that I might be wrong on the dimensions.. they are estimated/calculated from pics. I assume that original creators might've voluntarely exagerated some, in order to find the proper balance between reality and gameplay ? We'll see how it goes, and we can adjust along the way. Now this is a work in progress, so bear with me while going forward, towards the finished product. The goal would be to see this evolving in much more that the simple level in Driver.. stay tunned. Few screens: ************original post #2*********************** Playing with the exporter; setting up shaders and testing out it's quite fun, and so much easier when you actually see what you are doing . I love it ! View attachment 2014-06-07_020834.png View attachment 2014-06-07_021003.png
[justify]Finally, I've managed to find some time, and get back to work on this project. Today it was more like "back to the drawing board" because I had to redo some elements, but there's a good momentum. I'll keep you posted in the following days .[/justify] View attachment DG_wip_shot_09.png
All right, things are advancing quite nice. And the_meco's Cobra is a perfect fit View attachment DG_wip_shot_11.png
[justify]Irony: I said that I don't want my parking to look as ghetto as the one in Driv3r and yet, the only garage doors to photograph in my area are looking like this [/justify] View attachment DG_wip_shots_14.jpg
Placeholders: buildings and textures. There are so many possible settings with kseditor and materials .. Still some way to go. View attachment DG_wip_shots_15.jpg
looks like an interesting project...Good luck On a side note it could become a great environment for some renders with the correct lighting setup
Haven't thought at it, but you are right. All that is auto-related could use some of the set for renders . Will look into opportunities after the release of 1.0.
Update. Working to get a decent version out by the end of the week. PS: well.. working aand testing View attachment DG_wip_shots_17.jpg View attachment DG_wip_shots_16.jpg
just reading through this thread... Apart from the car I have made everything else in the image. I can sling you the PSD texture for the roller door if you like.. ACtually if I can find it I can sned you the 3d model of the door.
Of course, that would be great. There are 3 doors at first floor so there's room . ps: sry, double post.
[justify]Hello guys, As much as I've tried, sometimes external factors come in the way . I won't be able to get the launch done by this evening. That means that I'm forced to push it until after the vacation, about 10 days down the line from here. Overall, I had a good progress these last days, but not enough to finish my primary list. Random testing is ok, but preparing for a launch needs some supplementary work, hence again ..time . I'll leave you with a few screens and hope to see you here when I'll get back .[/justify] View attachment DG_wip_shots_22.jpg View attachment DG_wip_shots_20.jpg View attachment DG_wip_shots_21.jpg
If your offer still stands, I'd love to "feature" you on my project. We could dedicate one of the garages to NWRAP graphics, as a thank you for the contribution .