Simracingul in VR

Discussion in 'Sim Racing Hardware' started by Zoinx, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. Zoinx

    Zoinx Member Concurent R3E Concurent RLR

    Sep 19, 2014
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    O poveste care a mai ajutat ceva copii simraceri, sa adoarma cu ceva timp in urma..:))), unii o stiu , i a ajutat sa se decida daca sa treaca la VR sau nu, altii o ingora, altii o blameaza..etcetcetc
    Urmăresc soluțiile VR din momentul când a apărut primul Oculus 1k ambii ochi , când a apărut CV1 la E mag am făcut rate pe 2 ani instant , probabil că am fost primul simracer roman care a cumpărat CV1 . Deoarece nu prea ma descurc cu engleza, am urmarit impreuna cu Lucian Chirvase evolutia acestui fenomen . Lucian ma ajuta cu informatii pe care eu nu le intelegeam, trecerea la VR am facut o cu ochii inchisi sa zic asa fara sa testez , din cauza lui Lucian am avut o siguranta foarte mare in achizitie , puteam sa o fac retur in 14 zile lejer dar.........
    La acea vreme aveam un AMD 4 core / R 9 270 2 GB,.. esti nebun...what..?. ..a intrat AC ul bine ,nesperat.. prima intrare a fost bineînțeles pe Nord , cred că era ceva mod la acea vreme și am rămas 10 minute undeva in pădure , oprit , mă tot uitam in jur , nu îmi venea să cred ce vad !!!!!!, cum vad!!!!! , zic ; sunt in game , văzusem în tinerețe un film SF când un copil a intrat intr un joc , (nu Jumanji ) dar e la fel, Viața bate filmul ‍♂️ va spun .
    Cu astfel de povesti am reușit să întorc 10 + monitoare de la vânzare în favoarea unei căști VR in acest grup , nimeni nu are ceva de reproșat , știu că sună Sf dar e povestea mea in cazul VR for simracing , de Warthunder nu mai ciuruiești avioane in dogfigth cu RedBaron exista comparație timp ce scriu parul de pe mâini incepe să prindă viață... Ba stai draq..ce ai...
    Beneficii aduse de VR pentru simracing din punctul meu de vedere.:
    1: Imersia : pentru cine nu a pus o casca VR pe cap sa stiti ca efectiv aveti impresia ca sunteti pe scaunul masinii , va uitati in jur , Atentie! un ii cred ca imaginea este similara cu a unui ecran foarte mare de cinema, NU ESTE ADEVARAT !.. grafica va inconjoara sunteti acolo in joc , indiferent de joc, simracing, simflight , rolercoaster ..etcetc.. IMERSIA a fost un motiv pentru a continua simracingul chiar si la varsta de 46 de ani indiferent de rezultate, placerea de a conduce o masina supersport este inegalabila , doar realitatea o bate .
    2: timpi pe tur mai buni....( nu cu mult nu va imbatati cu apa rece)
    3: constanta acelor timpi tur de tur...inegalabila
    4: dimensiuni mici ale cokpitului , fara probleme un custom simrig cu casca VR intra pe scaunul din dreapta intr o cabina de Tir, cu un laptop , sa stiti ca multi simraceri sunt soferi de Tir, sau in balcon daca veti unul sau posibilitatea de a construi un cockpit acolo cum am eu.
    Cons : dpmdv nu exista cons.
    Cons sceptici sau diferiti simraceri care nu s au acomodat :atentie , scepticii sunt simracerii, simflight !!!!
    1: rezolutia : mica pentru castile VR de inceput , afecteaza imaginea sa zic de la peste 100 de metri in simracing, in cockpit totul e tipla, peste 100 metri da nu se mai vede asa de bine , pe mine nu ma afecteaza , testerii nu erau efectati nici macar de rezolutia DK1 primul development kit de la oculus care avea 1 k rezolutie pe ambii ochi , iar acestia erau in majoritate Iraceri care bagau Ovale, a urmat DK2 1080 p ambii ochi ...mai bine ..oamenii erau chiar multumiti si la acea vreme s a finalizat cu Oculus Rift cv1 de care simracerii / simflight erii care doreau imersie au fost la propriu ingenunchiati .
    2: Specificatiile hardware foarte mari...iar o aberatie a celor Oculus CV1 /HTC VIVE e suficient sa ai un sistem AMD cu 2600x, 16 gb ram si gtx 1060 6gb sau similar .
    Recomadari personale pentru achizitia unei casti VR :
    1: DACA AI UN MONITOR de regula simracerii au un monitor sau un TV si te invarti in jurul specificatiilor hardware la preturile actuale second e MUST, recomand o casca Oculus Rift CV1 second sau Vive daca ti o face cineva cadou, recomand oculus ca au un soft ffoarte ok foarte usor de folosit si compatibil cu tot, HTC vive care e oarecum la fel dar steam vr ul cred ca e un minus fata de softul de la oculs, multi au incercat prima oara HTC VIVE si datorita problemelor steam vr au renuntat si au devenit Sceptici..:).
    2: daca ai 3 monitoare , esti destul de rapid , te descurci binisor pe un astfel de sistem in simracing....iti recomand sa incerci inainte .
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
  2. Andrei Bogdan Caramidaru

    Andrei Bogdan Caramidaru Moderator Concurent R3E

    Apr 11, 2020
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  3. Zoinx

    Zoinx Member Concurent R3E Concurent RLR

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Setari VR pentru ASSETTO CORSA
    Resolution: 1920x1080 (Only affects the size of the virtual HUD, not the actual game rendering resolution)
    Fullscreen Rendering: Enabled (improves performance and means that your mouse is always usable if your screen is higher resolution than set above)
    Rendering Mode: Oculus Rift or OpenVR (Some oculus users report higher performance with OpenVR, so experiment)
    Crepuscular rays: Off (bugged in VR - see known issues)
    Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing: Off (blurry)
    Lock onboard camera to Horizon: Experiment to see what you prefer, can affect motion sickness, sense of elevation changes. I recommend RHM as it can give the best of both (see recommended mods section)
    G-force effects*: 0.4x, 0.1x, 0.4x
    Camera shake at high speed*: 0.2x
    Display downshift protection notification: Off (immersion)
    *These are down to personal preference. G-force and camera shake may contribute to motion sickness, and require the following parameter to be edited for them to be active in VR:

    Pixel Density (PPD, SS)
    Improves image quality, very demanding. 1.0 is default, increase in 0.1 increments. 1.4 seems a sweet spot.
    Oculus: Set in Documents/Assetto Corsa/cfg/oculus.ini (or in Content Manager)
    OpenVR: Set in OpenVR app in game, where you can also adjust IPD in Vive

    ASW/Asynchronous Reprojection
    Not a setting as such, but an important consideration, allows the game to be rendered at 45fps instead of 90fps and still feel fluid.
    • You can increase graphics settings with the additional GPU headroom
    • Will introduce some artifacts but for games like AC they are not too bad.
    • Some users find it less comfortable
    In general, it is allowed by default, so if you are not achieving 90fps the game will fall back to 45 and use this technology to provide a smooth experience. I am using it as it allows me to run PP and 1.4 PPD on a GTX 970.
    Oculus: Oculus TrayTool lets you define profiles so that you can force ASW on or off per game, I find this useful.

    Launcher in Headset
    Oculus: The latest beta of Oculus software provides a virtual desktop, however it is still a bit buggy, try Bigscreen Beta. Beware that these will steal VRAM from the game. Virtual desktop ($) is claimed to be better on CPU usage in the background
    OpenVR: try SteamVR's Desktop Theater Mode

    Audio Device Auto Select
    Oculus: Set AUTOSELECT_RIFT_AUDIO_DEVICE=1 in Documents/Assetto Corsa/cfg/oculus.ini so that audio always goes to the Oculus instead of your windows default
    OpenVR: try Audio app in game

    Controller bindings
    You will probably want to find a method to bind keys to your wheel (e.g. JoyToKey or your wheel drivers), here are some likely to be useful:
    Reset View: CTRL+SPACE (or bind ‘Look Left’ and ‘Look Right’ and press them together, however this is a waste of a button)
    Hide/Show Apps: CTRL+H (or CTRL+U to cycle through "virtual desktops")

    Recommended mods
    Natural Graphics Mod If you run PP On, provides much more believable visuals and saves ~10fps fps over the default filter. If you run PP Off, you should still benefit from the adjusted weather files which should have a more consistent brightness and balance. I've only tested it in Oculus but I've not heard anyone say its too bright or anything in the Vive, feedback would be welcome. GBW is also an option however beware some of its weathers will use considerably more fps, so you should have plenty of GPU headroom if you want to try it.

    Real Head Motion Allows you to have a mix of locked to horizon and car and filter bumps.
    My settings keep the car locked to horizon up to 10 degrees of pitch which gives good experience through normal and extreme (monza banking, eau rouge) situations:
    Known Issues with Assetto Corsa VR
  4. Zoinx

    Zoinx Member Concurent R3E Concurent RLR

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Setari VR pentru Iracing:
    prin amabilitatea colegului nostru de pe Grupul Iracing Dan Dracea

    In terms of Anti-aliasing (AA), iRacing ONLY supports MSAA which is an old AA technology that does produce good results but at high resource costs.
    This is found in the main graphics page under the AA drop-down - options are 0x-8x however for VR there seems to be no visible benefit in going higher than 4x, with many running 2x.
    iRacing also supports what's called 'post-processing' AA, specifically FXAA which is far less resource intensive than MSAA, but makes the overall image appear less defined/blurry compared to switching it off. You can test this by turning it on, leaving the lobby and coming back in where you can then turn on and off and view the results.
    It is a good option for those with PC's unable to run regular AA from the drop-down.

    True Super Sampling (SSAA):
    It's true that iRacing does NOT support SSAA, which was a debated subject many months ago when this thread was created.

    What about Pixel Density?
    iRacing does however support a kind of Super-Sampling in the form of Pixel Density, which can be used to improve the image quality in VR.
    I didn't find this all that useful in the past, but comments from Clayton McLeod and Chris E Green made me take a good look at this again, and it would seem that there is a more noticeable benefit - who knows what iRacing does behind the scenes in the last year or so?
    Thanks guys for making me spend 5 hours into the early morning to re-visit this! [​IMG]

    Pixel Density can increase clarity of in-car dials and the like, however it should be noted that this increase is across everything and as such there's a high resource 'price tag' that comes with this!
    So in gaining some sharper images on higher quality textures (text on in car dials and track-side advertising banners etc. you are also applying the same settings to low resolution textures like the road surface which can't really be made much better since you are starting with poor texture images. Kind of like trying to polish a 'you know what', but increasing your Pixel Density will try to polish it nonetheless!
    So use higher values with caution unless you have a very high end PC.
    So what's this Pixel Density stuff? And how does it relate to my Rift, Vive (or other OpenVR HMD)?
    Pixel Density (aka 'PixelPerDisplayPixel' for Oculus or 'ResolutionScalePct' for HTC:
    These settings are EXTREMELY resource heavy, GPU Primarily - you can measure it's effect on available overhead in real time if you use the Oculus Tray Tool (OTT) instead. The OTT (read below) has a really useful 'HUD' which you can see in your rift and that's why I highly recommend the tray tool , and leaving the PPD settings in the iRacing 'rendererDx11.ini' file at a value of 100.
    Results from this in VR are noticeable, especially with things like text on display and in car dashboard, but above a value of 1.3-1.5 in the OTT (this equates to PPD of 130 or 150 in the iRacing ini file) there are diminishing returns and exponentially heavy resource usage.
    I recommend 1.2-1.3 (PPD of 120 or 130) in the OTT as a good starting point - if you have something like a i7 8700K and GTX1080ti or RTX2080/2080ti you can likely get away with pushing 1.4-1.5 in the OTT.
    Best advice, work on getting solid 90FPS with the main settings and if you have resources to spare then by all means tinker with Pixel Density.
    This setting can be found in the 'rendererDX11.ini' file located in your Documents/iRacing folder.
    You will find in this file (open with notepad) sections for the Oculus and the Vive (or other OpenVR HMD's).
    For the Oculus this setting will be 'PixelsPerDisplayPixels' with a default value of 116.
    For the Vive this setting will be 'ResolutionScalePct' with a default value of 130.
    Options you absolutely don't need in VR (and are BIG hitters in FPS) are:
    Dynamic OBJS
    Higher detail in mirrors
    Uncheck these both in Graphics Options and Replay.
    FXAA - is not something that will improve your image quality, but if you are having issues with FPS it will smooth out the 'jaggies' but also everything else.
    Some on this thread have been playing with the values (in the ini file) for FXAA and have had results they are happy to live with.
    If you don't have issues holding 90FPS, stick with the in game AA (MSAA) for better performance.
    Sharpening - this setting is IMO the single most noticeable option in all the settings for VR experience.
    This is another post processing filter derived from 'SweetFX' Luma Sharpen filter.
    Enable it, leave iRacing and relaunch - it makes a huge difference. You can pause a scene and turn it on and off in the replay tab to see the difference it makes.
    Two pass trees - is something that will help if you are seeing dips in FPS. The visual difference is noticeable, but it's not that much of a difference that it's a deal breaker IMO as I'm usually not checking out foliage!
    Pit Objects - can be pretty brutal as there's unfortunately no current option to select ONLY your pit as the one with the pretty settings. With the introduction of Belle Isle I keep this on low mostly but some tracks I use medium.

    You can see from the main in-Game graphics options that I have my video memory set to 6144MB - this slider can be increased from the iRacing default. I have 8GB VRAM on my Video Card, so used 6GB of that (1024x6 = 6144), but as a general rule use about 75% of your total VRAM - example: 4GB Video Card would be 1024x3=3072MB
    I have 32GB of DDR4 RAM, but iRacing is limited to a maximum of 8GB (8192MB) - they really need to increase this as I have recorded just how much virtual memory the SIM uses (11-12GB), which makes zero sense when there's a bunch of unused physical DDRRAM.

    Move black boxes =Alt+K
    Resize black boxes = CTRL+PAGE UP/DOWN
    If you are having the issue that you cannot see all of the black boxes to relocate them
    because some of them are currently not in use then browse to the
    iracing app.ini file (default path libraries\documents\iracing\appi.ini)
    and under the [graphics] heading change
    ‘ForceVisibleWhenMove’ from 0 to 1.

    Again thanks to Derek the Legend Speare for info…
    If you are having issues with motion sickness some Iracers have found a quick change to the head movement commands makes things more comfortable.
    To do this browse to
    iracing appi.ini (default path libraries\documents\iracing\appi.ini)
    then scroll right down to
    and change
    then save the file.
    If this doesn’t work buy a yellow bucket and place it near your wheel in your sacred man/woman cave.
    Drink some water.
    Take a break.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
    Horia likes this.
  5. Zoinx

    Zoinx Member Concurent R3E Concurent RLR

    Sep 19, 2014
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    Setari generale Nvidia dar cred ca si pentru AMD sunt aprox la fel.
    • Power management model – prefer maximum performance (note: you can have this as "adaptive" in global which means your graphics card will not be in full power mode until you launch a game who's profile is set to "prefer maximum performance". Makes for a quieter PC
    • Threaded optimization – Auto or On
    • AA Transparency - I'm currently using 2x Supersample and it has a nice impact on shimmering where different surfaces meet - such as the edge of track and rumble strip or grass. It's especially nice on chain-link fences, dramatically reducing shimmering from aliasing.
    It's quite costly on resources, so it's one to experiment with. Multisample might be easier for some, and if you get into increasing Pixel Density you might just disable this entirely, or just disable it anyway if you are struggling to maintain solid 89-90FPS.
    But each PC is different.

    • Triple buffering – off
    • Texture Filtering - LOD Bias - Allow
    • Texture Filtering - Quality - Choose "Performance' you won't notice the difference from 'Quality' and it will bvuy you some resources
    • MFAA - If you have trouble with 4x AA in the iRacing graphics options you could try 2x AA in game and turn this on.
    It's an old tech that works with the AA used in iRacing to supposedly give 4x MSAA performance for 2x MSAA resource cost, or thereabouts.
    • Texture Filtering - Anisotropic Sample Optimization - On
    • Vertical sync – off
    • Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames – '3' - This has the impact of much faster rendering and smoothing of the image)
    Apply the settings, close the NVIDIA control panel.
  6. Andrei Bogdan Caramidaru

    Andrei Bogdan Caramidaru Moderator Concurent R3E

    Apr 11, 2020
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