Yes, correct. Only copy the sections where you want to have the skidmarks and assign skid material/texture. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
PS: you can of course create this manually as well, but if you have a road with high variations will be a bit difficult to align. In Blender there is a plugin that helps, don't know in max. Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I can't see the alpha channle in 3dsmax viewport ,so can't adjust the texture in 3dsmax ,only in ac editor it's so fxxking boring me , and I have 3 layer of the road, 1 main road , 2 best drive line , 3 skidmarks. so I must keep the 2 layer between the 1 and 3 ,it's really fxxking hard anyother better way? View attachment a3c.jpg View attachment a3c1.jpg
and I made a new loft , I got the right uvmap,but still can‘t see alpha in 3dsmax View attachment a3c2.jpg
The only advice I have would be to use the texture without alpha, while editing and aligning in max. And only at the end, when you are happy with the result, to switch to correct texture with alpha. Also, IIRC, in max there was an option when editing, to switch to a semi-transparent shading (ALT+X maybe?) so you can see what you are doing . Otherwise, looking good, keep it up !
now I find the details layer block the ac skidmarks in game , like the pic ,do u have this situation? View attachment Screenshot_bmw_m3_e30_drift_MiniCircuit_12-12-2014-23-51-49.jpg View attachment Screenshot_bmw_m3_e30_drift_MiniCircuit_12-12-2014-23-52-22.jpg View attachment Screenshot_bmw_m3_e30_drift_MiniCircuit_12-12-2014-23-53-0.jpg
ok.I have deal with it View attachment Screenshot_bmw_m3_e30_drift_MiniCircuit_13-12-2014-0-22-56.jpg
Was it a question of height ? Transparency ? (this way others will benefit from your knowledge) . ..and I love the road texture ! It's done by you ? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Put the layer of skidmarks (in 3ds max) on top of all. Btw, nice looking skids, can I ask you, how do you create them? I would like to create my own. I tried yesterday to draw them in photoshop using real grooves, but the outcome wasn`t so good. So using only lines (full, no grooves, like yours) would be my option too. Can you please tell me how you do it? thx
Hello Luchian, My Groove line is emerging as and as I drive to the car. How to make it still exist? Not clear, in french : Ma Groove line se dessine au fur et a mesure que je roule devant la voiture. Comment la rendre toujours présente ?
Hey @PseT The groove is used to actually give the track some "life", being dynamic with the advancement of the race. However, if you would like to affect the way it behaves, you can do so by adjusting the parameters inside the groove.ini under \assettocorsa\content\tracks\yourtrack\data Parameters: There is a min value, a max value, and a stepping. Play with these and I'm sure you'll get what you are looking for. I would suggest not to cancel it all together, but maybe just to start with a higher min value .
If I try to make Skidmarks on my track I always get these ugly dotted skidmarks: View attachment skidfail1.PNG View attachment skidfail.PNG Those dotts appear in the Editor and ingame. I don't know what I am doing wrong. I used the same settings and the skidmarks texture luchian made for jarodyi (YSSY_runwaymarks...)
I'm so dumb:banghead: How did I miss that. works fine now View attachment Screenshot_ks_ruf_rt12r_awd_jerez_21-10-115-0-19-19.jpg
How do you think I know about it ? By being dumb as well. We've all been there . Otherwise, the track looks great ! When can we try it ? Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
I don't know yet. I still have no Idea how I'm going to position the bushes and trees ( I want them to stick to the ground automatically, I read somewhere that it's possible, but I don't know how) this is how it looks if I position them manualy: some of them are over the ground and it all looks so monotonous. Spoiler: Image View attachment Unbenannt.JPG I also don't like how my trees and bushes look, glowing on the one side and dark on the other side : Spoiler: Image View attachment trree.JPG [EDIT]: Ok, solved the looks of the trees I forgot to set the name to KSTREE_GROUP. Spoiler: Image View attachment tree.JPG [EDIT_END ;D]And there are a few buildings that aren't done yet Spoiler: Image View attachment trib.JPG But maybe I can release a WIP version in the near future.
Something goes wrong SOLVED View attachment yellowline.JPG I use two meshes for the textures one for the Yellow line and one for the skidmarks. they both have transparency. in ksEditor i can see them both, but in game i can't see the yellow line, it's covered by the skidmarks. (the road and kerbs have their own diffuse texture and are both visible in game) What can i do to see both the yellow line and the skidmarks in game? Perhaps jarodyi can post screenshots of his shader settings? View attachment transparency.JPG it's in the object settings!
First off...First time poster, long time viewer..:lol: Thank you for all your guides!! They have been super helpful, especially in picking up some dead projects. One complaint I got in one of my test candidates, I was told the Skid marks were driveable. Meaning the cars would seem to "hop on and off" the "skid-mesh" (labelled 1SKID_*** and followed guide). My question is I can't see anything in KsEditor or in groove.ini and surfaces.ini that would adjust its "physical" influence. Ie "Renderable" but physics not applied. Also the mesh is placed immediately on the mesh and in some instances it would be above it in some steep sections. From what I can tell in Max, (Super zoomed in) it's laying on top of it from a microscopic sense. I understand the concept mostly with the Surfaces.ini, but what I don't know is how much Groove will effect the physics besides maybe "grip" or the tire marks on the road. Also if it makes any difference these are the tools I'm using in my workflow (not necessarily in order and at times only 2): 3D SimEd , 3DS Max 2016, KsEditor.
i believe that it shouldnt be physical. anything named with a number before it is physical except the number Zero and the Groove system simply grows its grip value as it is driven over by a driver. so naming it 1MESH tells the system it will be physical surface to drive on. but only if the name MESH title is inserted into the surfaces.INI file. those two make a physical surface. remove the entry in surfaces or re title the object . and place it 1 or 2 mm above the road surface, you can never get down low enough to see the spacing of it, so it can go quite high above the road etc. when it cuts in and out the surface it looks quite bad.