Discussion in 'Modding' started by Luchian, Jun 13, 2014.

  1. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Hello, welcome to the forum.

    If you are planning to use your track only in practice mode, you can go as low as defining only one spawn point: AC_PIT_0. (Yes, you need to use uppercase) :).
  2. tkp12

    tkp12 Guest

    Thank you.

    I have another problem. Track crashes and its been crashing for two days now.

    I have tried so many things and i am beginning to suspect it is because i am using 3dsimed to export as fbx and then open in kseditor which means 12780 materials.

    Now what i tried to do is import to 3dsmax and do from there and then 3dsmax automatically merges many materials so the whole track becomea wrong textures applied.

    Do you think 3dsimed is the problem?

    Im begin to wonder if 3dsmax is the way to work with tracks because there you can edit names while in 3daimed its not the same feature for renaming and as you said naming is important.

    i want to use 3dsmax but when importing the fbx it messes up materials.

    I have all 9 pit boxes and the pivots are y-up z-forward and the rest of the track is 1 big object called "1ASPHALT" .

    I think my problem is naming or size of track.

    Its the whole las venturas san andreas map and is 300 mb

    Can you help me?
  3. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    I understand, but it's a bit more complex than that. Moreover, when we are speaking about San Andreas which would be ripped content.. and I personally don't support that :nerd:. Even leaving aside the ethical issues, a track like that would be quite tricky to get into AC. Not as in impossible, but as in lots of work.

    I would propose however, to start with a very simple track, made by you in 3dsmax for example, in order to understand the basics and see it in-game. When you will manage to do that, step by step, you will later be able to counter most of the problems because you will understand the process behind.

    After that, what you do privately on your own PC it will only concern you :).
  4. tkp12

    tkp12 Guest

    I have already made it work but with bad materials from 3dsmax. and the. It keeps crashing when i use 3dsimed as export tool.
  5. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    What is the size of your mesh ? (it shouldn't go over 65 k for single object)
  6. tkp12

    tkp12 Guest

    I fixed it by using only AC_PIT_0, AC_PIT_1, AC_START_0, AC_START_1. Track works but its heavy on CPU and almost crashes my mediocre pc. I made sure track pivot was z-up and did the other pit boxes with y-up.

    Does how to rotate matter? Can pit 1 be inclined while pit 1 can be 90 degrees straight?

    But still the textures are badly done and they are on the wrong places because of 3dsmax reduce the number of materials from 12768 down to 1001 when importing and i dont know why it does that.
  7. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    you really need to show a picture of this gta map. :)
  8. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    You don't need to have all pits aligned, they can be however you like'em.
  9. tkp12

    tkp12 Guest











  10. tkp12

    tkp12 Guest

    like i said the textures and materials are badly placed and i dont know why 3dsmax keeps reducing number of materials when i import it which is the cause of the problem.

    Murcielago is by me and not finished as you can see :)
  11. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    Anyone know what the "BOH" setting is within the AC editor ?
  12. Fabo.sk

    Fabo.sk Guest

    Hi guys,

    so I converted a track from rFactor2 (waiting for publishing permission, so I won't name), but I have a bit of a problem with the environment... I cant get the sky to be normal.

    It looks vaguely as if sandstorm was happening, that is dull yellow, bright-ish. As a result, post-processing makes also the track rather dark, and not easy to see, and definitely not nice.

    I've tried some stuff in ksEditor, and it looks rather normal in there, but when I export to kn5, it's always the sandstorm happening.

    How do I fix this?
  13. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest


    have you per chance left the skybox from rf 2 in the model ? sorry if that is silly question.

    also since nordschleife arrived in v 1.1.1 there are new fog settings that might be affecting it. ive not had a chance to play with that or if it is even adaptable.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
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  14. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
  15. Fabo.sk

    Fabo.sk Guest

    I don't think I did - the strange thing being that it looks rather OK in ksEditor, if a bit too overexposed in general.
  16. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    ks editor does look different to in game. and its good to have it overexposed in the editor itself. in game then gets all sorts of jazz added to it with post processing etc. im having a hard time replicating a typical shader used by kunos from morning till night. its superbly sensitive to any adjustments.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2015
  17. Fabo.sk

    Fabo.sk Guest

    So I took a picture to explain what I am seeing... as you see, the sky is basically off-white with a yellowish tint, and the track is quite dark. Note that it looks fairly normal if I look topside down as the exposure corrects when not facing the sky.

    Attached Files:

  18. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    I think that is just your shader settings. looks normal to me with new in game fog and cloud settings.
  19. Fabo.sk

    Fabo.sk Guest

    Well, it would be. Except there is no fog. The weather is set to light clouds.
  20. Fabo.sk

    Fabo.sk Guest

    Oh my. Do I now feel like an idiot...

    All this time I thought "it can't be weather, I've driven a lot at Nurburgring and Silverstone over the weekend and that was fine"... except... it wasn't the same weather. it was online.

    Changed the weather, now the track looks a LOT better. Well, lets try and remove the damage caused in the meantime...
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