Motorpark, Romania

Discussion in 'Modding' started by Luchian, Aug 19, 2017.

  1. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    ..and with this thread, I also inaugurate a new prefix type available on the forum: REQUEST :nerd:. It can be used in almost all sections, to make requests for specific assets or mods.

    Having said that, @Pixelchaser : would you have little time to extract just the base layout (surrounding area + road) in RTB for Motorpark racing track, please ?

    It's basically flat, but would be curious if RTB could see any small level difference. I will then import it into Blender and take care of the physics layer, kerbs and _some_ assets. This is not going to be an "exemplary" project; it's mostly a quick-ish done job, for a friend that goes there every month and would like some practice in-between sessions.

    Problem is that google maps is very old (the track was in constructions apparently, so maybe a few years old). Anyway, if you have time (it's not urgent), just have a look please, and see what you could obtain. If possible.

    Google link:

    Thank you.

    PS: here's a video
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2017
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  2. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    ill have a look, flat tracks are best being spotted from pictures or videos. its likely rtb puts height in when its not there. also there isn't decent google imagery for this area, but roughly, you can get the layout. ill stick a road in and make a basic complete layout.
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  3. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    Last edited: Aug 19, 2017
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  4. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Thank you very much Ali, really appreciate it. I'll take it from here, and see what will endup with.
    I'll get you an ebeer. :)
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  5. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    needs much better layout to follow. should have blown the background up and painted the track then aligned it.
  6. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Yup, it turns out the layout is waaay too hilly :D. IRL is basically flat except for 2-3 curves where there is a slight camber. Will try to flatten all out in Blender and then do a bit of camber manually.
  7. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Pix, what unit do you think RTB exports in (to fbx, that is) ?
    (it'll save me making a bunch of tests to see which one is right :D)
  8. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    it exports in cm`s , In max I keep the scale at 1 so its importing in cm`s and I export in metres and it works that way....
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  9. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Yes, it seems that way. I've done some testings and got to see that *100 gives the closest size.
    In the mean time, I got to find also a layout drawing of the track.. and they don't match, of course.. :ninja:
    So now I am wondering, is there maybe a deviation from google, or the plan is an early iteration and they didn't really respect it ? :D

    Anyway, I think I'm gonna go with the plan though.

    View attachment 2017-08-20_230132.jpg
  10. GT VIRUS

    GT VIRUS Guest

    It just looks like the scale is wrong on one of the images. I would go with the plan but triple check the measurement's available.
  11. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Yeah, the image is maybe not the best, I did it before playing with scale all the way. In any case, I end-up with some deviations from the plan. So, I'll probably go with the plan instead of just relying on google maps.

    View attachment dilema.jpg
  12. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    google is always out by 10-20 metres side to side. and its the lowest quality google image ive ever used. but the plan there isn't what was built either. the joining road that halfs the track config isn't there as they built it.
  13. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Hey people,

    A Blender question now (oooh, I have a lot ! :D):
    Any tool to measure the actual length of a bezier curve in Blender ? @LilSKi maybe ? :D

    EDIT: found a little script that does just that. To use it, just drop it the text editor and with the bezier selected, hit run script.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2017
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  14. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Turns out you are right Ali. The google maps version is way closer to reality:
    Your google version: track length is 4028 m (instead of 4129 m real)
    My scaled to plan version is barely 3800 m.
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  15. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    you mean the plan drawing isn't the correct plan ? well my corners are wack though, give me the plan and ill re doo it, save you plenty time in blender, tbh moving all those poly around is pointless.
  16. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Here's the plan, but I really think it's not what they finally did.. Although you have all date, like radius and stuff, if you work at scale (I have used some blocks they have with dimensions) you will end-up with a smaller track.

    Attached Files:

  17. LilSKi

    LilSKi Guest

    Take a road object that is the length of your track in a straight line and subdivide it a bunch length ways. Assign it the curve and if the ends butt up to each other the scale is correct.
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  18. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    I think that weird curved intersection was omitted from the design, anway I till help get the turn radius more uniform as it is in the design,
  19. Luchian

    Luchian Administrator Staff Member Concurent RLR

    Jun 3, 2014
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    Well, that's the thing. Some of them might be more "off" on the plan, than on google maps version.
    Here is an example of the map they hand you when doing the briefing (which we could assume it's more up-to-date).
    View attachment IMG_1068_1.jpg

    As you can see, turn 9 it's closer to your version than the rounded smooth one on the plan..
  20. Pixelchaser

    Pixelchaser Guest

    bing maps actually has a better version of the scenery, brighter more defined lines, originally i just layed the track on the google image, what ill do tomorrow is scale it all up uniformly and create a sharp track line to work with in rtb from sharp Bezier paths in photoshop that will recreate a proper track outline to work with and be able to get the radius smooth and correct.
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